The connection and evolution of the physical world into the digital age
Let’s start with a premise, taken from Zero to One, by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters “Every moment in business only happens once”, makes sense right?
Every moment of creation (in business) can only happen once, yes it can be copied and replicated, however businesses that lead create and grow through adaptive strategies, leading products/services and infrastructures are the businesses that survive in the next evolution of life as we know it, they generate true value, changing their industries and improving the life’s of their customers and employees as they grow and stay relevant.
We are being bombarded by messages regarding Cloud, Security, the Internet of Things, Digital/Social technologies, Robotics/Automation, Communications, Analytics/Predictive Analytics, Machine learning and within the Retail world specifically Omni-Channel and a Frictionless Customer Experience. Some of these have been expertly captured by 3rd Platform built on the 4 core pillars (IDC) or The Open Group Open Platform 3.0 which segments these areas into Mobility, Social Networks and social enterprise, Big data analytics, Cloud computing & IoT (networked sensors and controls). However are these, the true problems of tomorrow or a requirement of yesterday in the evolving world of IT and the user/customer experience?
So we can agree or maybe not that in the not so distant future, businesses that digitally transcend or have the platforms that can transcend will be the masters of this new world.
But does anyone you know have a Digital Transcendence Strategy (A strategy connecting the physical and digital world)? Sure they may have a vision of their operating future or may have paid millions for a top down business strategy or they may have even they have built an IoT Strategy, or perhaps a 5 year Digital plan and vision and in the very worst case they will have some form of Cloud and Security Strategy but are they really ready for the Digital Economy? How about the Sharing Economy? Millennials(Gen Y)?
What does Digital Transcended consist of: Digital transcendence consists of many components, listed below are a few of these components;
- The Physical Environment and it’s personas/identities
- The Individual and their personas/identities
- Social communities and economies (payment eco systems)
- Corporate and social infrastructures
- Physical and logical security environments
- Government Services (Government as a platform)
All physical structures will become digitized in the very near future and in return our relationship with these structures will alter, the question is, will you be ready to create?